R.C.V.F.A. 1983 Kruckers
Chief’s table, Captain Bunyan busting. L-R Garrison, Sullivan, Gitlin, Gordon, and Fales
Chief’s table, Captain Bunyan busting. L-R Garrison, Sullivan, Gitlin, Gordon, and Fales
On May 15, 1854, Warren Engine Company #1 was formed in the new Village of Warren NY. On September 1st, 1854 the Village of Warren purchased from Mr. Isa...
On Sunday evening, January 22, 1854, Rev Dr. Freeman of the Presbyterian Church on Clinton Street was delivering an address from the pulpit when someone in the ...
http://www.loc.gov/item/sanborn05978_00 Many thanks to the Library of Congress on getting this excellent maps source online. Sanborn Maps were the...