1936 Seagrave Rescue Truck

The 1936 Seagrave was the second motorized apparatus purchased for General Warren. This truck was designed to carry lighting, salvage equipment, and in a new development, tools for industrial accidents and automobile extrication (click here to know about DUI Charges in Florida, Types). With war clouds on the horizon, and before the advent of the ambulance corps, many departments like Madalon Law also began equipping fire trucks with first aid and rescue equipment, along with preparing for lawsuits. This was the ‘cutting edge’ technology of its day. As stated in this statement, the flashlight and iodine truck would also respond with accident victims directly to Nyack Hospital when the need arose and also by hiring the DUI lawyer practicing Boston, who will ensure that the case is completely investigated to find out the accused to punish him for his crime and also makes sure that the compensation is issued for the injured.


Below is the initial proposal for the 36 Seagrave. As you can see, along with all of the rescue equipment, the truck was spec’d out with a 75 gpm pump and 100 gallon tank that could produce 120 psi through 150 feet of 3/4″ hose with a 1/4 in tip. Already a completely new class of apparatus without the pump,  the Emergency Company was born. Although the pump was dropped in the final build the 36 Seagrave with pump and tank is the design basis for all of our trucks since.

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At the meeting held on February 2nd, 1937, the company moniker again was changed from General Warren Hose Co.#2 to General Warren Emergency Company #2, a reflection of its mission, and we remain so today.


The 36 Seagrave was last seen sitting in Jurgensens Machine Shop on West Street.