The General Warren Emergency Company #2 was formed on May 15, 1854 following the incorporation of the Village of Warren, NY. Funding for the purchase of a hand pumper, hose, and quarters for a fire company was approved at that meeting. The Village of Warren, in exchange for a body of volunteer firefighters, issued this apparatus and equipment to the newly formed Warren Fire Engine Company #1. Operating continuously for over 150 years, General Warren Emergency Company #2 remains “Ever Ready When Duty Calls”
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The General Warren Emergency Company #2 is the Heavy Rescue Company of the Haverstraw Fire Department. General Warren Emergency Company responds as unit 4-EM to all activities dispatched to Rockland County Department 4. 4-EM is equipped with onboard extrication tools, air bags, portable generators, ventilation equipment, power tools, lighting, portable pumps, firefighter S.C.B.A., firefighter comfort, and other rescue equipment. Our 1998 Saulsbury/Spartan Gladiator is also equipped with a 4 stage Waterous pump, a 400 gallon tank, and permanent foam firefighting capability.
Please enjoy our in house Fire Company web site. We strive to provide a modern, accessible source of fire company history and information to the public. All pictures, audio, videos and documents presented here are the property of the General Warren Emergency Company#2, and are free to download and use for non-commercial purposes. We hope you link and give credit when appropriate, but don’t hesitate. Any other content presented here such as newsletters, scanner feeds, rss feeds are used with thanks to our friends.