On February 14, 1859 the New York State Legislature passed an act which provided for, and regulated the election of a Chief and two Assistant Chiefs of the Fire Department of the Village of Warren, now Haverstraw, New York. The first convention held under this Act was on May 8 1859 in the United States Hotel , and Samuel A. VerValen of Rescue was elected the first Chief receiving 52 votes over Belding Barnes, of Warren Fire Engine Company No. 1, who got 46 votes. William Oldfield of Warren No. 1 was named First Assistant and Benjamin Felter of Union No. 2 Second Assistant Chief.
On June 7, 1934 a special meeting of the Fire Council was held for the purpose of adopting an amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Haverstraw Fire Department to allow equal representation to the board by allowing election of one Chief Engineer and 4 assistants for the ensuing year, one from each of the five companies. Read about the Combination below.
Today, an annual Convention is held on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in April. 15 delegates, 3 from each of the 5 companies meet to elect a line for the ensuing year. Upon assent of the Village Board, the Officers will assume their positions on the 3rd Tuesday in April at 9pm sharp.
Nominees for 2011
- Chief of Department Pat McNamee #3
- 1st Assistant Al Lynch #5
- 2nd Assistant Bob Drexler #4
- 3rd Assistant Tom Price #1
- 4th Assistant Bart Gordon #2